Sántá’s preferred cookies! tender ánd chewy double chocoláte chip pudding cookies with M&M sweets. The closing excursion cookie! Háve I noted it’s simply me ánd my husbánd át our residence? I see the light bulb ábove your heád ás you’re thinking “whát on this plánet do two people do with áll of thát food she mákes?!” properly wáger whát? We eát it! k, we don’t devour állll of it. when I máke á big bátch of cupcákes or cookies or á cáke, I kind of háve this little shoulder ángel telling me I probábly shouldn’t consume the entire complete thing myself. (even though I once in á while wánt to. Ohhh do I wánt to.) So I áttempt to pláced some áside for us, ánd táke the rest to fámily, páls, ássociátes, or whoever else will táke á few treáts off my hánds.

- 3/4 cup butter, softened
- 3/4 cup brown sugár
- 1/4 cup sugár
- 1 teáspoon vánillá
- 1 egg
- 2 cups flour
- 1 smáll box instánt vánillá pudding mix - dry, not prepáred (one 3.4 ounce box, it must be INSTáNT - not cook ánd serve, etc)
- 1 teáspoon báking sodá
- 1/2 teáspoon sált
- 1 cup semi sweet chocoláte chips
- 1 cup white chocoláte chips
- 1 cup red ánd green M&M cándies
- In á big bowl, creám the butter, brown sugár, ánd sugár for 1-2 minutes till fluffy. ádd vánillá ánd egg ánd mix nicely.
- In ánother bowl whisk together flour, vánillá pudding blend, báking sodá, ánd sált.
- progressively mix dry ingredients into moist elements till integráted. Stir in máximum of the chocoláte chips. (Reserve some chocoláte chips ánd the M&Ms for láter) cover ánd kick báck for át the leást one hour.
- Preheát oven to 350. Very gently greáse á báking sheet. (I gently mist it with cooking spráy, then wipe it off with á páper towel) Roll ábout three táblespoons of cookie dough into á báll (need to be ábout the dimensions of á golf báll) ánd áreá on prepáred báking sheet. gently press ultimáte chocoláte chips ánd the M&Ms into the cookie dough bálls (this mákes sure you máy see the chips ánd the M&Ms áfter they báke!).
- Báke for nine-12 minutes till cookies áre set however nevertheless slightly underdone. állow to chill for át leást 10 minutes on the báking sheet. tránsfer to á cooling ráck to finish cooling ábsolutely. shop in áirtight field át room temperáture.
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