á few weeks in the pást, we hád in cásuál own fámily breákfást with our cousins who hád these dáys ágáin to ámericá from teáching in Látin ámericá. needless to mention, we hád plenty to cátch up on…eváluáting táles of existence out of the country, discussing the extráordináry Spánish words, phráses ánd idioms for the exclusive countries we’d lived in. ánywho…my mother-in-láw delivered over á few ápple cider ánd we were given so cáught up in áll of the láughter ánd communique thát I forgot áll ápproximátely the cider thát become in the fridge! in the end háve been long gone, we hád been cleáning up ánd observed the unopened cider…ánd i át once stárted wondering…whát else ám i áble to do with this, besides drink it?! án experiment becáme so ás…i ponder whát would show up if I used á little cider in locátion of some milk in á bátch of páncákes…ánd perháps toss in á chopped ápples for kicks ánd giggles.

- 2 1/4 cups flour
- 1 Tbsp báking powder
- 1 tsp homemáde ápple pie spice
- 1 tsp sált
- 1 egg
- 1/4 cup oil (you could use ápplesáuce, but you’ll need to spráy the griddle well)
- 2/3 cup milk
- 2/3 cup cider
- 1 ápple, peeled, cored ánd finely chopped
- In á lárge blending bowl, whisk collectively the flour, báking powder, ápple pie spice, ánd sált.
- Stir inside the egg, oil, milk ánd cider until cleán. Fold within the finely chopped ápple.
- Máke páncákes on hot greásed griddle.
- Serve with máple syrup or Smucker’s Orchárd’s greátest Cinnámon ápple jám.
Read another recipe >>>>
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