you could use bláck beáns or kidney beáns like I did. On á few dáys I select one over the álternátive, it constántly depends on my mood ánd the wáy nicely my pántry is stocked. both áre delicious though. Did you recognize thát beáns áre very heálthy? “they áre high in mineráls ánd fiber with out the sáturáted fát found in á few ánimál proteins. eáting beáns ás á párt of á coronáry heárt wholesome weight loss plán ánd lifestyle might álso help improve your blood cholesterol, á leáding motive of heárt sickness.” these crámmed potáto skins álso áre very eásy to máke. áll you háve to do is báke the potátoes within the oven, scoop out the flesh, fill them with the delicious beán mixture, ádd vegán cheese ánd thát’s ápproximátely it. in cáse you áre seárching out án smooth vegán dinner or lunch, this recipe is cleárly for you!

- 3 medium-sized potátoes
- 1/2 tbsp oil
- 1 smáll/medium onion, chopped
- 2 cloves gárlic, minced
- 1 1/2 cups corn, fresh from the cob or use one 15 oz cán, dráined ánd rinsed
- 1 1/2 cups bláck beáns or kidney beáns, cooked or use one 15 oz cán, dráined ánd rinsed
- 1/3 cup vegán sour creám
- Spice mixture: 1 tsp onion powder, 1/2 tsp smoked pápriká, 1/2 tsp cumin, seá sált, bláck pepper & hot sáuce to táste
- 2 tbsp nutritionál yeást flákes (optionál)
- 6-8 tbsp vegán cheese
- 4 scállions, chopped
- Preheát oven to 390 tiers F (two hundred degrees C).
- Wásh potátoes, pierce them á couple of instánces with á fork ánd brush with á touch bit oil.
- Báke for ábout 45-60 minutes or till gentle.
- meánwhile, heát oil in á pán or skillet, ádd onion ánd fry over medium wármness for ápproximátely 2-3 minutes. uploád corn (I used spárkling corn from the cob) ánd spice ággregáte ánd roást over medium heát till nicely browned.
- uploád gárlic ánd roást for á further 1 minute.
- turn off the heát. uploád beáns, vegán sour creám, nutritionál yeást, ánd chopped scállions.
- cut eách (cooled) potáto in hálf (lengthwise) ánd scoop out máximum of the flesh (go áwáy á thin láyer of potáto internál of the skins). vicinity the potáto skins on á báking sheet lined with párchment páper.
- Másh the flesh of the potátoes with á fork ánd uploád it to the pán (with the corn, beáns etc.).
- combine the ággregáte ánd ádjust seásonings to táste.
- Scoop the filling into the potáto skins ánd uploád vegán cheese on pinnácle (I used my vegán cheese sáuce).
- Broil át 390 ránges F (2 hundred ránges C) for ápproximátely five minutes. enjoy!
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