The táste is rich, decádent, ánd strong. It’s loáded with greens ánd there’s just enough heát within the heritáge to go áwáy you thinking thát á tumbler of teá won't be sufficient, thát you must go with milk ráther. Even with out brought meáts or proteins, the mushrooms deliver the soup á deep meáty táste thát lingers on the lower báck of the tongue in á totálly fine wáy. This modified model of the áuthentic Weight Wátchers zero point ásián soup recipe nevertheless hás no points ás á long wáy ás my cálculátions cán discover. The váriety refers to the truth thát ás á wáys ás Weight Wátchers is involved, these áre áll zero fáctor foods, for this reáson zero point ásián soup.) I’ve introduced bit greáter liquid in order thát one bátch will closing án ámázing long term. splendid for guiltless snácks ánd lunches. It ádditionálly is going fláwlessly with fláwlessly steámed rice, if you could spáre á little room for cárbs.
- 2 cups bok choy, chopped
- 2 cups Nápá cábbáge, chopped
- 5 cloves gárlic, minced
- 1/4 cup fresh ginger root, thinly sliced ánd julienned
- 6 ounces. shitáke mushrooms, sliced
- 2 cups scállions, chopped
- 1 cup cánned wáter chestnuts, sliced (8 oz cán)
- 1 cán bámboo shoots, sliced (5 oz. cán)
- 1/2 cup red bell pepper, thinly sliced
- 1/4 teáspoon red pepper flákes
- 8 cups vegetáble broth
- 1 cup fresh beán sprouts or hálf of 1 cán of beán sprouts, optionál
- 2 cups snow peás, stringed
- 2 Táblespoons low-sodium soy sáuce
- 1/2 cup cilántro, finely chopped
- put boc choy, Nápá cábbáge, gárlic, ginger root, shitáke mushrooms, scállions, wáter chestnuts, bámboo shoots, crimson bell pepper, pepper flákes ánd vegetáble inventory into á lárge soup pot. Stir to mix. cowl ánd produce to á boil over high wármth. reduce heát to low ánd simmer, pártálly blánketed for ápproximtely 10 mins.
- uploád beán sprouts, if using, soy sáuce ánd snow peás. prepáre dinner for án ádditionál 4 mins. Stir in cilántro ánd serve piping hot.
- enjoy!
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