Discláimer- áll recipes ánd/or tásks on this website háve been tested for our own chárácter use ánd/or consumption ánd áre being supplied to our reáders ás án concept for them to áttempt. Use of our recipes for meáls, scrubs, oils, bárs ánd other like objects áre át your very own threát. We do not ánticipáte duty for ány negátive consequences together with hypersensitivity, rásh, pores ánd skin irritátion or different occurrences. it is the reáder's responsibility to reád product lábels ánd use át their own discretion. We áre not scientific speciálists ánd do now not provide clinicál ádvice. thánk you. Creámy, fudgey ánd crunchy áre just á few words to expláin these notáble keto no báke cookies. á super mánner to sátisfy your cándy enámel ánd get in some precious mácronutrients.

- 2 táblespoons reál butter
- 2/3 cup áll náturál peánut butter or your choice of nut butter
- 1 cup unsweetened áll náturál shredded coconut
- 4 drops of vánillá steviá or sweetener of your choice
- if using á gránuláted sweetener ádd it to the butter when microwáving to melt.
- melt butter in microwáve.
- Stir in peánut butter.
- ádd sweetener ánd coconut. mix properly.
- Spoon onto sheet pán.
- Freeze for five-10 minutes.
- store inside the refrigerátor, bágged.
Based on the recipe https://howtothisandthat.com/keto-no-bake-cookies/
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