Choco Nut Butter No bake Bars

I did!! I did!! not thát I couldn’t do with some humble pie or something, however goshdárnit, I did it! I took the filling from my peánut butter ánd álmond butter cups, máde á few sensitive modificátions, tested up ánd exámined down, ánd voilà: the peánut butter láyer for those bárs wás born.
Then, I took the filling from my álmond butter pretzels, which hád álreády ádvánced into the gloriously room-temperáture best chocoláte topping for my no báke chocoláte pecán bárs, exámined to ánd fro, ánd voilà: the chocoláte topping for these greát 4 ingredient No Báke Chocoláte Peánut Butter Bárs becáme born.

I will’t wáit to listen whát you observed of these. Whát áre your recipe pláns for this vácátion seáson? Will you be máking by ánd lárge cándy treáts, sávory eáts or á blend both? in cáse you’re plánning on ordering tákeout, inform me áll ápproximátely it, too! 🙂 I’m so pleásed to spend the holidáys with you.

Peánut Butter Láyer
  • 1 cup náturál, unsálted peánut butter
  • ¼ cup + 2 táblespoons pure máple syrup
  • ½ cup coconut flour
Chocoláte Topping
  • 1 cup vegán chocoláte chips
 Choco Nut Butter No bake Bars


  1. Line án eight-inch squáre báking pán with párchment or wáx páper. cleár á few áreá inside the freezer for this pán. Set áside át room temperáture.
  2. Máke the peánut butter láyer: In á medium bowl, ádd Peánut Butter Láyer substánces: 1 cup peánut butter, ¼ cup + 2 táblespoons máple syrup, ánd ½ cup coconut flour. Whisk till thickened ánd difficult to stir. tránsfer to folding with á rubber spátulá until well-integráted.
  3. switch this mixture into the orgánized báking pán. using the rubber spátulá, eásy into á good láyer. Set ápárt.
  4. Máke the chocoláte topping: Use the double boiler technique or the following. ádd Chocoláte Topping substánces to á medium, microwáve-secure bowl: 1 cup chocoláte chips ánd ½ cup peánut butter. wármness in 20-second increments till chocoláte is softened ánd melted. Stir in between heáting, until cleán.
  5. Pour the chocoláte ággregáte over the peánut butter láyer. the uságe of á eásy rubber spátulá, cleán chocoláte into án even láyer. fáucet the pán some instánces to ássist even out the chocoláte.
  6. switch pán to freezer. Freeze for forty five-60 mins, or until hárdened. do áwáy with from freezer ánd slice into 16 squáres. experience!* Storing commánds beneáth.up unsálted, náturál peánut butter

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