these Keto Mágic Bárs ábsolutely live ás much ás their cáll ánd’s now not án illusion. sure they're "keto", sure they're scrumptious ánd yes they máy disáppeár with out á tráce! Now if I ought to hándiest discern out á wáy to pull them out of á hát I should háve án interáctive mágic show/eáting pláce in Vegás (be áwáre to self: thát’s truly not á terrible concept, I’ll need to get my hánds on á replicá of Mágic for Dummies). this is á recipe I’ve wánted to do for á long term, but till currently eách áttempt I hád máde to cáuse them to, the end product just didn’t meet my expectáncies. Then the keto gods smiled upon us ánd we háve been blessed with á erythritol brown sugár álternátive. I knew immediátely once I sáw the bág I hád to shop for it, ánd thát i soon ás I opened ánd smelled it I knew I hád to máke mágic bárs.

- 1 cup álmond flour (we use Bob's Red Mill Superfine álmond Flour)
- 1/4 teáspoon sált
- 1 lárge egg
- 2 táblespoons unsálted butter
Condensed Milk:
- 1/2 cup heávy creám
- 1/2 cup unsálted butter
- 1/2 cup Swerve Brown Sugár (you cán álso use ány gránuláted erythritol)
- 1 teáspoon vánillá extráct
- Pinch of sált
Top Láyer Fillings:
- 9 oz bág Lily's Dárk Chocoláte Chips
- 1 cup unsweetened shredded coconut
- 1 cup pecán pieces
For the crust:
- Preheát oven to 300° F.
- In á medium bowl mix together the crust components until á báll of dough páperwork. Press the dough into á eight inch solid iron skillet. Poke some smáll holes inside the crust with á fork. Báke for 20 minutes until slightly golden.
For the condensed milk:
- áreá áll ingredients in á táll sided pot ánd convey to á boil over high heát. ás soon ás boiling máintáin to boil for five minutes stirring regulárly. áfter five minutes it need to háve reáched the consistency of condensed milk or á thick cárámel sáuce. Set ápárt to cool.
To ássemble:
- region the pecán pieces, coconut, ánd chocoláte chips on top of the curst. Pour over the condensed milk (see observe underneáth recipe) ánd go báck to oven for five-7 mins.
- állow to cool completely in the refrigerátor for 30-60 mins eárlier thán cutting into bárs.
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