cán we pleáse táke á moment to comprehend those protein-rich vegán enchiládás? They hád been á mássive hit in my house ánd i'm áble to’t wáit to cáuse them to ágáin, due to the fáct they're splendid yummy! now not simplest áre they scrumptious but they're ádditionálly rich in protein, gluten-loose, plánt-básed totálly, nut-unfástened, ánd they include hándiest heálthy ingredients. you might ásk why I used lentils to máke those vegán enchiládás. well, i reálly like lentils, they áre án first-ráte source of heálthy protein ánd contáin lots of vitámins, mineráls, ánd fiber. ás án instánce, lentils áre rich in foláte, copper, mángánese, phosphorus, iron, ánd zinc. they háve got á fántástic táste ánd texture ánd mixed with flávorful spices ánd different plánt-básed totálly substánces they even remind á touch bit of floor meát. Thát’s why they máy be the ideál filling for vegán enchiládás. I ádditionálly love thát lentils áre cheáper, they cook dinner á good deál fáster thán beáns or chickpeás, ánd they're even less complicáted to digest.
- 12 tortillás (22 cm in diámeter)
- Eásy vegán cheese sáuce or vegán cheese to táste

Enchiládá filling:
- 1 cup dry lentils (200 g)
- 2 1/2 cups vegetáble broth (600 ml)
- 1 cup sunflower seeds (140 g)
- 1 1/3 cup rolled oáts (GF if needed) (120 g)
- 3 heáped tbsp tomáto páste (120 g)
- 2 bell peppers
- 1 medium-sized cárrot, gráted
- 1 medium-sized tomáto, chopped
- 2 cloves of gárlic, minced
- 1 lárge onion, chopped
- 2 tbsp ground chiá seeds or fláx seeds
- spice mix: 1/2 tbsp onion powder, 1/2 tbsp gárlic powder, 2 tsp dried oregáno, 2 tsp ground cumin, 1 tsp smoked pápriká
- 1-2 hot chili peppers, chopped (or less if you don't like it too spicy)
- seá sált ánd pepper to táste
- 1 tbsp oil to fry the veggies
Enchiládá sáuce:
- 1 tbsp olive oil
- 1 tbsp gluten-free flour (or áll-purpose flour if not GF)
- 2 1/2 cups tomáto sáuce (600 g)
- spice mix: 1/2 tbsp chili powder, 1 tsp onion powder, 1 tsp gárlic powder, 1 tsp ground cumin, 1/4 tsp cáyenne pepper
- seá sált ánd pepper to táste
- Rinse lentils very well to put off ány dirt ánd locátion them in á medium-sized pot. uploád broth ánd convey to á boil, then reduce to á simmer. Simmer with á lid on for ábout 20 minutes (or till gentle). Then elimináte the pot from the wármth however máintáin blánketed for á further 10 minutes.
- whilst the lentils cook dinner, prepáre your enchiládá sáuce first áfter which stárt máking the enchiládá filling. To máke the enchiládá sáuce, wármness the olive oil in á skillet over medium wármness. ádd áll spices ánd prepáre dinner for ápproximátely 2 mins. Stir inside the flour, ánd prepáre dinner for ány other minute. uploád the tomáto sáuce ánd convey to á boil. let simmer till the sáuce is thick, ápproximátely five mins.
- To máke the enchiládá filling: In á skillet heát oil over medium wármth. uploád onion + gárlic ánd sáuté for 3-4 mins, stirring once in á while. uploád chopped bell peppers, tomáto, gráted cárrot, ánd 1-2 hot chili peppers ánd sáuté for five-7 mins. cást off from wármness ánd set ápárt.
- uploád áll dry elements (spices, sált + pepper, the oáts, the sunflower seeds, ánd the floor chiá seeds) right into á meáls processor ánd blend for ápproximátely 20-30 seconds.
- those protein-rich vegán enchiládás áre máde with lentils ánd other wholesome elements. they're gluten-unfástened, plánt-básed, wholesome, cleán to máke, nut-unfástened, ideál for lunch or dinner ánd very tásty.
- uploád the cooked vegetábles ánd the tomáto páste, ánd mix once more.
- these protein-weálthy vegán enchiládás áre máde with lentils ánd other wholesome substánces. they're gluten-unfástened, plánt-primárily básed, wholesome, smooth to máke, nut-free, perfect for lunch or dinner ánd very tásty.
- eventuálly, uploád the cooked lentils ánd blend until everything is combined. The combinátion ought to stick collectively ánd the feel should áppeár to be in the photográphs below. If the mixture isn't álwáys thick sufficient or would not stick collectively, then ádd more ground oáts.
- those protein-rich vegán enchiládás áre máde with lentils ánd different wholesome elements. they áre gluten-loose, plánt-básed totálly, heálthy, smooth to máke, nut-free, perfect for lunch or dinner ánd reálly tásty.
- Preheát oven to 390 tiers F (2 hundred ránges C).
- those protein-weálthy vegán enchiládás áre máde with lentils ánd different heálthful ingredients. they're gluten-free, plánt-básed, wholesome, eásy to máke, nut-unfástened, best for lunch or dinner ánd very tásty.
- unfold 2 heáped táblespoons (one hundred-120 g) of enchiládá filling over the floor of á tortillá.
- those protein-weálthy vegán enchiládás áre máde with lentils ánd other heálthy substánces. they áre gluten-free, plánt-básed totálly, wholesome, eásy to máke, nut-loose, perfect for lunch or dinner ánd reálly tásty.
- Roll up the tortillá ánd áreá in á greásed báking dish.
- those protein-weálthy vegán enchiládás áre máde with lentils ánd other heálthful ingredients. they're gluten-loose, plánt-básed, heálthful, smooth to máke, nut-free, perfect for lunch or dinner ánd reálly tásty.
- Repeát this step with the other tortillás.
- those protein-weálthy vegán enchiládás áre máde with lentils ánd other heálthful ingredients. they're gluten-loose, plánt-básed, heálthy, cleán to máke, nut-loose, ideál for lunch or dinner ánd reálly tásty.
- Then pour the enchiládá sáuce on pinnácle of the tortillás. I máde láyers of 4 tortillás eách (7 x 11 in báking dish) however you could máke just one láyer with 8 tortillás. The filling is enough for 12 tortillás, so you could álso máke greáter thán 8 (relying on the size of your báking dish).
- those protein-weálthy vegán enchiládás áre máde with lentils ánd different heálthful components. they máy be gluten-unfástened, plánt-básed totálly, heálthy, smooth to máke, nut-free, best for lunch or dinner ánd very tásty.
- Báke exposed for 15 mins. táke áwáy from oven, pour my smooth vegán cheese sáuce on pinnácle (or use your fávorite vegán cheese to flávor), ánd put the enchiládás báck into the oven for 10-15 minutes. Serve wárm, gárnished with cleán cilántro or vegetábles of choice (elective). you máy ádditionálly pour á little little bit of vegán sour creám on top if preferred.
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