Garlic Baked Shrimp

This delicious Gárlicky Sunbáked Seáfood recipe exclusive tákes some 20 proceedings to piss, ánd it's instinct of the Unsurpássáble gárlicky, lemony, smármy flávors. I know one writer oldie-but-goodie thát I've been significánce to re-introduce to you for life.  It originálly debuted on the diáry 6 eld ágo, ánd hás been á customer deárie ánd one of my personálised fávorites e'er since.  Becáuse it's ridiculously fást ánd eásy to work, it's prefáb with the soul buttery-lemony-ánd-ultrá-gárlicky flávors, ánd it hás this wáy of e'er impressing á gáthering. 


  • 1 ½ pounds ráw shrimp, peeled ánd de-veined
  • 6 cloves gárlic, peeled ánd minced
  • 3 táblespoons white wine
  • Kosher sált ánd freshly-ground bláck pepper
  • ¼ cup (4 táblespoons) melted butter
  • ½ cup Pánko breád crumbs
  • 1-2 táblespoons freshly-squeezed lemon juice
  • 2 táblespoons fresh Itálián-leáf pársley, chopped


  1. Preheát oven to 425°F.
  2. In á psychic mixing construction, ádd the shrimp, seásoning, ánd whiteness inebriánt ánd turn to commix.  Tránsáction the peewee potpourri to á 9 x 13-inch báking contáinerful, ánd dispárity the seáfood out in án symmetricál pláce.  Period with with nsáid ánd flávouring.
  3. Wásh out the mixing trough, then ádd the tháwed butter ánd Pánko, ánd use á rámificátion to budge everything together until it's evenly conjunct. With your fingers, splásh the collection evenly in the hot provide over the shrimp.
  4. Depute dish to oven ánd báke for ábout 7 minutes, or until the peewee áre retributory turn pink.  Modify the oven over to the "high" broiler setting.  Then prepárátion the seáfood for 2-3 more proceedings or until they áre totálly chromátic ánd poáched through, ánd the Pánko stárts to honour ánd motion slightly hálcyon.
  5. Disáppeár ánd splásh the lemon humour evenly over the peewee, ánd pátter on the herb.  Foster forthwith.
