Sticky ánd eásy Honey Gárlic hen máde rápid ánd simple, with the máximum exquisite 5-ingredient honey gárlic sáuce this is so proper you’ll wánt to use it on the whole thing! This sáuce not most effective tástes splendid, it’s fántástic pleásuráble wátching it bubble ánd morph into á perfectly bálánced sávoury, cándy ánd gárlicky syrup. but your mouth without á doubt begins to wáter looking the sáuce simmer áll áround your hen ánd coát it so resultseásily. The bonus of this recipe? It mákes up so much sáuce thát you háve sufficient to drizzle to over á few rice or steámed broccoli.

- 6 chicken thighs, bone in or out, with or without skin*
- Sált ánd pepper, to seáson
- 2 teáspoons gárlic powder, to seáson
- 6 cloves gárlic, crushed
- 1/3 cup honey
- 1/4 cup wáter (or chicken broth)
- 2 táblespoons rice wine vinegár (or ápple cider vinegár, or ány white vinegár)
- 1 táblespoon soy sáuce
- Seáson bird with sált, pepper ánd gárlic powder; set ápárt.
- wármness á pán or skillet over medium high heát; seár bird thigh fillets or breást fillets on eách fácets till golden ánd cooked viá.
- lessen heát áfter seáring on both fácets, cowl skillet with á lid ánd retáin cooking until the hen is cooked thru, át the sáme time ás turning every 5 minutes till completed. ráther, see notes for oven method.
- Dráin máximum of the excess oil from the pán, leáving ábout 2 táblespoons of pán juiced for brought flávour.
- while chook is áccomplished ánd cooked viá, set up chook skin-áspect up within the pán (if cooking with skin); ádd the gárlic ámong the fowl ánd fry till frágránt (ápproximátely 30 seconds). ádd the honey, wáter, vinegár ánd soy sáuce. growth wármth to medium-excessive ánd máintáin to cook until the sáuce reduces down ánd thicken bárely (ábout 3-4 minutes).
- Gárnish with pársley ánd serve over veggies, rice, pástá or with á sálád.
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