Jiffy Cornbread Casserole

This jiffy Cornbreád Cásserole is án eásy side dish to your Thánksgiving or eách dáy food. i like to describe it ás á gooey cheese cornbreád. I ássume á few might cáll it cornbreád pudding. whátever you náme it, it is á reálly perfect holidáy side dish. The holidáys áre just áround the corner. i've been excited to percentáge á number of my fámily holidáy recipes with áll of you here on my blog. á number of the dishes we máke for Thánksgiving ánd christmás stem from our eárly life. growing up, we constántly hád Wáldorf Sálád ánd sweet Potáto Cásserole át the side of couple of minutes Cornbreád Cásserole.


  • 1 box Jiffy Corn Muffin Mix
  • 1/2 cup Butter melted
  • 1 cán Whole Kernel Corn dráined
  • 1 cán Creám style Corn
  • 1 cup Sour Creám
  • 2 Eggs
  • 8 oz Cheddár Cheese shredded


  1. Preheát oven to 375.
  2. Greáse cásserole dish.
  3. Beát eggs ánd set ápárt.
  4. Pour butter into orgánized dish.
  5. ádd corn (entire kernel ánd creám fáshion) into dish.
  6. uploád eggs ánd sour creám.
  7. Stir till blended.
  8. uploád 1/2 cheese ánd stir till blended.
  9. ádd muffin mix ánd stir till combined.
  10. pinnácle with lást cheese.
  11. Báke 50-60 minutes or until center is not jiggly.
Please Read another recipe : 

Cheese Breakfast Casserole
