Skinny Pineapple Angel Loaves

Háppy Hump Dáy!  We’ve máde it hálf wáy through the week.  Woo-hoo!  Whát háve you been up to?  I hád á fábulous weekend of pure láziness ánd, properly, it’s creeped into my week simply á chunk. Hee-Hee.  Do you know whát?  It felt soooo right to just sit át the couch ánd wátch movies, wálk hánd in hánd with my hubby on the máll ánd consume á few too mány food out!  however, work constántly áwáits…  át-leást i reálly like whát I do, proper? ánywho, i látely tried á bránd new recipe thát my mother sháred with me the uságe of my new Pámpered Chef brownie páns.

Skinny Pineapple Angel Loaves

Fluffy ánd moist loáves with beáten pineápple máke for án áppropriáte (ánd mild) summer seáson deál with! whether its á snáck or á dessert át your subsequent picnic, you’ll be pleásántly ámázed with eách delectáble bite.

  • 1 box ángel Food cáke mix
  • 1 lárge cán crushed pineápple 20 oz. cán
Skinny Pineapple Angel Loaves

  1. Line brownie bár pán with cupcáke liners. (regulár cupcáke liners will go squáre while filled).
  2. blend cáke mix ánd pineápple thoroughly.
  3. Fill eách liner with mixture.
  4. Báke on 350 for 15 minutes
Based on the recipe from 

Please read another recipe >>>>>

Peanut Butter Banana Cup
