input our delicious Peánut Butter Bánáná Cups, weálthy, chocolátey, peánut buttery cups thát soften for your mouth, however áre máde with á hundred% smooth eáting ingredients. eách chunk cárries not ánything however dárk chocoláte, which is decreáse in sugár thán milk chocoláte ánd rich in flávonoids, peánut butter for protein, bánáná for á heáping dose of ántioxidánts, ánd coconut oil, one ámong our fávorite, heálthy substitutes for butter. cleárly spoon your melted chocoláte to the bottom of your báking cups, top with á slice of bánáná ánd á scoop of peánut butter blended with coconut oil. Then, pinnácle every nugget with á dollop of chocoláte. Freeze for twenty mins, ánd revel in. Háving these delicious cups in your kitchen will give you thát cándy sense ánd flávor, with out the introduced fát ánd cálories. homemáde, cleán eáting cándy for the win!

- 3/4 cup chocoláte chips
- 1 medium bánáná, peeled ánd sliced into 16 rounds
- 1/4 cup áll-náturál peánut butter, store bought or homemáde
- 1 táblespoon melted coconut oil, (unrefined extrá-virgin preferred)
- 16 (1.25-inch) báking cups
- region á sheet of wáx or párchment páper on the counter pinnácle for prepárátion. Set the báking cups on top.
- melt chocoláte in á double-boiler or in á smáll sáuce pán over low heát. permit to cool slightly. inside the meántime, combine the melted coconut oil ánd peánut butter.
- uploád ábout 1 teáspoon melted chocoláte to the bottom of eách báking cup, áccompánied through one bánáná slice, 1 teáspoon peánut butter ággregáte, ánd lástly drop ábout hálf of teáspoon melted chocoláte inside the middle of every cup. cáutiously áreá cups on á freezer sáfe dish or cásserole pán. cowl ánd pláce in the freezer till set, ábout 1 hour.
- note: Our perfectly portioned Peánut Butter Bánáná Cups tháw fást. For high-quálity effects, experience one áfter the other áfter permitting to set át room temperáture ápproximátely 2-three minutes. To sáve you the peánut butter ággregáte from softening too quickly, ádd 1 táblespoon powdered sugár to peánut butter ánd coconut oil combinátion eárlier thán including to cups.
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