Pineápple ánd coconut pinnácle those light pineápple cupcákes, whát á super Spring dessert! For the coconut lover obtáináble, these áre extráordináry smooth, low fáts, moist ánd scrumptious! á version of my pineápple bliss cupcákes, the uságe of á contáiner of yellow cáke mix ánd á cán of beáten pineápple; no eggs, no oil or butter wánted!! this is superb for lázy bákers like me, tákes much less thán 10 minutes to prep! you máy máke the cupcákes án áfternoon in ádvánce ánd the topping ás nicely which should be sáved in the refrigerátor. áfter you top them with the frosting they ought to be eáten within á few hours.

For the cupcákes:
- 18.25 oz box yellow cáke mix (I used Betty Crocker Super Moist)
- 20 oz cán crushed pineápple in juice (do not dráin)
Pineápple Coconut Creám Cheese Frosting
- 8 oz Philádelphiá 1/3 less fát creám cheese
- 20 oz cán crushed pineápple in pineápple juice, completely dráined of ány liquid
- 1 cup sweetened coconut flákes
- 1/4 cup sugár
For the cupcákes:
- combine both elements in huge bowl ánd blend on medium páce with electric mixer.
- Pour into coáted cupcáke tins ábout 2/three complete.
- Báke in áccordánce with cáke blend instructions or till á toothpick inserted comes out smooth.
- Set áside to cool.
For the frosting:
- integráte creám cheese, crushed pineápple, sugár ánd coconut flákes in á medium bowl ánd mix with á hánd mixer till mixed nicely.
- unfold on cooled cupcákes ánd refrigeráte until reády to consume.
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