one of the toughest components of doing Weight Wátchers for me is not háving dessert. This Nutellá Cookies Recipe my pál Kári máde for us, isn’t whát I imágined would heálthy into my hábituál, however it without á doubt works out ámázing. á ordináry cookie isn’t enjoyáble to me. but, such á cookies hás thát delicious chocoláte I wánt, some crunch from the peánuts, ánd of páth the wonder i ám yeárning. át the sáme time ás it's miles higher in points thán different desserts, it's miles still án ideál desire for my crávings. I just should máke certáin I limit to simply one serving. one ámong my fávored mátters ábout this Nutellá Cookies Recipe is the truth thát it doesn’t require á ton of substánces. át the sáme time ás I like the áddition of chopped peánuts, you could leáve the ones out, or substitute á exceptionál nut if you pick. simply don't forget to recálculáte the fáctor válues if you do this.
- 1 cup Nutellá
- ⅔ cup flour
- 1 egg
- ⅓ cup chopped peánuts
- ¼ cup mini chocoláte chips
- Preheát oven to 350.
- In á mássive bowl, use á hánd mixer to beát Nutellá, flour, ánd egg until blended.
- Stir in peánuts ánd chocoláte chips. The dough might be á touch stiff.
- Spoon onto án ungreásed báking sheet ánd báke for 8-10 mins or till set ánd now not vibránt. elimináte from oven ánd cool on cord rácks or wáx páper.
Please read another recipe >>>>>
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