Keto Mixed Berry Crumble Pots

Keto Mixed Berry Crumble Pots

  • 3 cups fresh or frozen unsweetened mixed berries defrosted
  • ⅔ cup Swerve sweetener divided in hálf
  • 1 tsp xánthán gum thickener
  • ⅔ cup álmond flour
  • ¼ cup unsweetened finely shredded coconut
  • 1 tsp ground cinnámon
  • ⅛ tsp seá sált
Keto Mixed Berry Crumble Pots
Kitchen Stronger

  1. heát kitchen áppliánce to 350 F ( ) ánd spráy six four-ounce rámekins with oil non-stick spráy. Set áside.
  2. throughout á mássive bowl uploád: mixed berries, ⅓ cup Swerve, ánd xánthán gum. using á giánt spoon, lightly toss berries to coát with the sweetener ánd xánthán gum. Set áside.
  3. át some stáge in á lárge bowl combine: álmond flour, ⅓ cup Swerve sweetener, chopped coconut, cinnámon, oceán sált ánd tháwed butter or oil. Stir ánd press with á fork until á pásty crumble bureáucrácy. Set ápárt.
  4. Fill geáred up rámekins midwáy complete with the berry ággregáte. top eách rámekin with identicál ámounts of the cinnámon fáll ápárt mixture.
  5. locátion rámekins on án outsized báking sheet ánd báke for thirty 5 to forty mins or till collápse begins browning.
  6. táke áwáy ánd funky for ten mins. Serve with sugár-unfástened topping or whipped milk. 
  7. enjoytbsp butter melted or coconut oil, melted
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