delicious Thái Zucchini Noodles – fettuccine pástá with á home máde, highly spiced Thái sáuce, topped with toásted sesáme seeds. The sáuce is máde with honey, Thái pink curry páste, ánd soy sáuce (or use Támári sáuce). ásián comfort food! i reálly like máking ásián-fáshion noodles át home, álong with these ásián Noodles with Mushrooms ánd Snow Peás or this ásián Noodle Sálád with Peánut Sáuce. these kinds of recipes áre so cleán to máke ánd áre so precise, I cáuse them to áll the time to ádd ránge to the dinner menu át home. those fettuccine noodles with pán-fried zucchini in ásián sáuce isn't ány exception. there máy be á lot táste in this simple recipe! in cáse you’re looking for án unusuál wáy to burn up your zucchinis – use them in this ásián-stimuláted dish.

- 8 oz pástá preferábly Fettuccine (for gluten free, use gluten free brown rice fettuccine)
- 1 táblespoon olive oil
- 2 zucchini , sliced
- sált
- 1/4 cup soy sáuce or gluten free Támári sáuce
- 1/4 cup honey
- 2 táblespoons honey
- 1/4 cup chicken stock
- 1 táblespoon red curry páste (Thái)
- 5 green onions , chopped
- 1 táblespoon sesáme seeds , toásted
- prepáre dinner pástá ál dente, dráin, set áside.
- wármth 1 táblespoon olive oil in á huge skillet on high heát. ádd sliced zucchini, sprinkle with sált, ánd cook dinner for ábout 1 or 2 mins,flipping á couple of instánces. Zucchini need to no longer get too soft. get rid of zucchini from the skillet to the pláte.
- uploád soy sáuce, honey, hen inventory, ánd purple curry páste, to the sáme empty skillet. wármness up ánd mix the whole lot to combine. ádd chopped inexperienced onions to the sáuce, ánd blend. Then, át once, cást off from wármness.
- uploád the cooked fettuccine to the skillet with the sáuce ánd stir to coát. ádd cooked zucchini, blend. top with toásted sesáme seeds.
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