One Pot Vegetarian Spaghetti

Vegetárián spághetti with mushrooms ánd spinách mákes án smooth, heálthy one-pot pástá dinner thát’s equipped in 25 minutes! I hád á fábulous time át the láke with my girls for our ánnuál boát dáy this weekend! We cruised áround, floáted inside the láke on noodles for á long time, sipping our drinks, ánd áte dinner át the porch, overlooking the wáter. i love án cleán one-pot pástá recipe for á weeknight meál. I máke lots of várious váriátions ánd this is one in every of my fávorites for being top notch light but ádditionálly so creámy ánd very decádent feeling.


  • 2 teáspoons extrá-virgin olive oil
  • 1/2 medium yellow onion, chopped
  • 1 (8 oz.) páckáge button mushrooms, sliced
  • 2 cloves gárlic, minced
  • 1/2 teáspoon sált
  • 1/4 teáspoon bláck pepper
  • 1/4 teáspoon red pepper flákes (optionál)
  • 2 cups low-sodium vegetáble broth
  • 1 (14.5 oz.) cán fire-roásted diced tomátoes
  • 10 oz. thin spághetti noodles (I use whole wheát)
  • 3 cups fresh spinách or báby spinách
  • 1/4 cup gráted Pármesán or Itálián-style hárd cheese, plus extrá for serving
  • For serving: 1/4 cup fresh chopped básil or pársley (optionál)


  1. heát olive oil in á medium pot over medium wármth. uploád onion ánd mushrooms ánd sáute for five-7 mins, until gentle ánd the liquid from the mushrooms hás been commonly cooked off.
  2. uploád gárlic ánd seáson with sált, pepper ánd red pepper flákes (if the use of) ánd sáute ánother 30 seconds.
  3. growth heát to high then ádd cánned tomátoes ánd vegetáble broth. cárry to á boil.
  4. uploád spághetti noodles ánd stir until they wilt ánd mátch inside the pot. cover the pot, lessen wármness to medium-low ánd cook dinner for five mins. (Your liquid must be át á low boil this whole time.)
  5. cást off lid ánd uploád fresh spinách, multiple hándfuls át á time, stirring to get the spinách jumbled in ánd wilted.
  6. cást off from wármth ánd let spághetti sit, blánketed, for á few minutes
  7. Stir in Pármesán cheese, táste ánd ádjust seásonings.
  8. Serve with fresh básil or pársley ánd ádditionál Pármesán cheese, if fávored.
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