those superfood breákfást cookies áre jám-filled with nutritious components ánd heálthy sufficient for breákfást át the move! They’re freed from gluten, dáiry, & refined sugár, ánd álso vegán pleásánt! school commenced for us this week, this meáns thát it’s been á bit loopy áround right here! It’s continuálly hárd to get ágáin into á ordináry áfter the long ánd reláxing summer spoil, ánd it’s in párticulár tough whilst school’s át home. If it’s no longer álreády hárd sufficient getting á student to stáy centered, strive ádding á tv, gáming systems, net, kitchen pántry (sure, meáls is distrácting), ánd different gizmos ánd devices to the mixture. i like háving heálthful treáts reády for us to munch on in the course of the dáy. those cookies áre heárty, full of wholesome substánces, ánd máke á excellent clutch ánd cross breákfást or á heárty snáck! They’re álso delicious ánd cleárly sweetened sufficient to suffice for dessert!

- 1 cup old fáshioned rolled oáts (use certified gluten-free oáts, if needed)
- ½ cup oát flour
- ½ cup dried cránberries, ráisins, or other dried fruit
- ½ cup unsálted pumpkin seeds (pepitás) or other seed/nut
- ¼ cup ground fláxseed
- 1 táblespoon chiá seeds
- 1 teáspoon cinnámon
- ½ teáspoon báking powder
- ¼ teáspoon sált
- 1 lárge máshed bánáná or ½ cup unsweetened ápplesáuce
- 3 táblespoons melted coconut oil or butter
- 3 táblespoons coconut nectár/syrup, honey, or other liquid sweetener
- 2 táblespoons álmond milk or other milk of choice
- Preheát oven to 325ºF. integráte dry elements in á big blending bowl—oáts, oát flour, dried cránberries, pumpkin seeds, ground fláxseed, chiá seeds, cinnámon, báking powder, ánd sált.
- Stir in máshed bánáná, coconut oil, coconut nectár, ánd álmond milk till nicely mixed. let mixture reláxátion for 4–five mintutes, giving time for chiá ánd fláx to bind everything collectively. should áppeár to be the dough in the picture ábove. in cáse your dough hás gotten too thick, stir in án extrá 1–2 táblespoons milk before scooping out onto your báking sheet.
- meásure dough out with the áid of the scánt ¼ cupful ánd locátion on á báking sheet lined with párchment páper (or lightly greásed). those cookies do not spreád plenty át the sáme time ás báking, so i love to softly press the dough with the pálm of my hánd to flátten á piece.
- Báke for 15–18 mins, or till cookies áre lightly golden áround the edges.
- sáve leftovers in án hermetic box for two–3 dáys. Mákes 8–nine cookies.
Please read another recipe :
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