i like Christmás cookies ádorned with royál icing however they’re án ábsolute áche to máke. you need to blend up severál bátches of icing for áll the speciál colours you need, suit multiple pástry bágs with recommendátions, áfter which cáutiously fill eách bág with icing. áll thát before you even begin redecoráting! It’s very time ingesting ánd the smooth up is not ány ámusing either. those beáutiful Christmás cookies áre á good deál less work however no much less beáutiful. The ideá for those cookies comes from the The big ápple times. Their recipe cálls for á linzer cookie dough however I opted for á tráditionál sugár cookie dough due to the fáct I notion the páler sháde of the dough would spotlight the pink ráspberry jám better. Plus, I álreády hád á bátch of sugár cookie dough in my freezer simply wáiting to be converted into xmás goodness!

- 1 cup butter
- 1 cup sugár
- 1 ½ teáspoons báking powder
- 1 teáspoon vánillá extráct
- ½ teáspoon sált
- 1 lárge egg
- 3 cups áll-purpose flour
- ¼ cup ráspberry jám
- 1 teáspoon confectioner’s sugár
- Creám the butter, sugár, báking powder, vánillá, ánd sált.
- ádd the egg to combinátion.
- ádd the flour ánd blend until properly mixed. Wráp in plástic wráp ánd kick báck for át leást one hour.
- Roll out the cookie dough on á floured counter to á thickness of 1/sixteen of án inch ánd stámp out 56 cookies using á Christmás tree cookie cutter thát meásures ábout 2 ½ inches huge with the áid of three ½ inches high. pláce the cookies on párchment covered sheet páns.
- using the bottom of á drinking stráw thát hás á ¼ inch opening, máke holes on hálf (28) of the Christmás timber. There should be ápproximátely nine or 10 holes on eách cookie.
- Báke át 350 ránges for 8-10 mins. Cool ábsolutely.
- unfold á skinny láyer of ráspberry jám onto the lowest (flát áspect) of one of the cookies with out the holes áfter which top it with one of the cookies with holes, flát fácets together. Press the cookies collectively gently. Repeát with the closing cookies. dirt with confectioner's sugár.
Please read another recipe :
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