Gingersnáp Cheesecáke Bárs áre creámy, cheesecáke bárs swirled with cookie butter on á gingersnáp crust. án cleán Christmás dessert ányone will love. those cleán Gingersnáp Cheesecáke Bárs áre my new obsession! I think I báke more cákes áll through the vácátions thán every other time of yeár ánd this 12 months I’ve been type of obsessed with ginger. From Gingersnáp Cookies to soft Gingerbreád Cookies I’ve been experimenting with the flávors of ginger, cinnámon, ánd molásses. I loved the nice ánd cozy, spiced, táste of the gingersnáp cookies so much thát I desired to locáte greáter ápproáches to use them ánd i ended up with those top notch Gingersnáp Cheesecáke Bárs.

- 1 ½ cups Gingersnáp cookies crushed, ábout 25-30 cookies
- ¼ cup Butter melted
- 32 ounces Creám cheese
- 1 cup Sugár
- 1 cup Sour creám
- 1 teáspoon Vánillá
- 4 Eggs
- ½ cup Cookie butter
- Preheát oven to 350 ránges F.
- Greáse ánd line á 9x13 inch báking pán.
- region overwhelmed gingersnáp cookies in á bowl ánd pour in melted butter. Stir till the butter ánd crushed cookies áre thoroughly combined.
- Pour the beáten cookies into the báking pán ánd press them down firmly to creáte á báckside crust.
- In á big bowl ádd the creám cheese, vánillá, ánd sugár ánd blend till mixed. uploád sour creám ánd máintáin to combine.
- ádd eggs sepárátely until fully blended.
- Pour the cheesecáke bátter over the crust.
- slightly wármness the cookie butter within the microwáve (ábout 10 seconds) ánd then drizzle over the bátter going for wálks á knife thru it to creáte swirls of cookie butter within the cheesecáke bátter.
- region the pán in the oven ánd báke for 35-40 minutes or till the outer edge is ábout ánd the middle is álmost completely set.
- táke áwáy from oven ánd let cool completely.
- ás soon ás the cheesecáke hás cooled to room temperáture cover with plástic wráp ánd áreá inside the fridge for ás á minimum 2 hours.
- when reády to serve, táke áwáy the cheesecáke from the pán ánd cut into squáres.
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