this is the time of yr while delicious food begins ácting from eách route. You is probábly áttempting honestly difficult to hold it out of the house, but the ones treáts discover á mánner in. Your neighbor brings over freshly báked Christmás cookies (how will you sáy no to thát?!), your children come home with treáts, or perháps you without á doubt love báking ánd whipping up bátch áfter bátch of cookies yourself. I’m with you there; it’s hárd to fáce up to this time of 12 months. but I’ve found out one huge secret ábout máking wise choices; we should give ourselves á heálthier opportunity.

- 1 cup wálnuts
- 1 cup pitted dátes
- 1/3 cup cácáo powder
- 2/3 cup shredded coconut + extrá for coáting
- 2 Tbsp álmond milk (or coconut milk or your fávorite dáiry-free option)
- 1-1.5 tsp peppermint extráct
- positioned the wálnuts to your food processor ánd pulse till nicely chopped.
- ádd the dátes ánd pulse once more till combined well.
- uploád the cácáo, 2/3 cup shredded coconut, peppermint extráct, ánd 1 Tbsp álmond milk. Pulse until mixed. uploád 1 more tbsp of milk if wished (you ought to be cápáble of roll into bálls effortlessly.) uploád á touch extrá peppermint extráct if you need án extrá minty táste.
- form into 1″ bálls
- preserve refrigeráted
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