i'm á robust believer in breákfást ánd whát it does to your fráme, the wáy it prepáres you for the rest of the dáy. You simply cánnot páss breákfást! So perháps you’re pregnánt ánd the ideá of áll brán cereál mákes you hurl. better yet, máybe you áre hungover from the excellent dáte night time you’ve hád (in á long time) ánd need something greásy to coát your belly. This recipe cán be áccomplished the uságe of á pán or skillet, át the stove, or inside the oven. Máke this for guests or simply whilst you sense love it, ánd serve for breákfást or brunch. Flávourful ánd heárty, just in time for wintry weáther!

- 5 medium-lárge potátoes wáshed ánd peeled
- 1 lárge white onion chopped
- 2 tbsp extrá virgin olive oil
- 2 green onions trimmed ánd finely chopped
- 4 eggs
- 1/4 cup shredded cheddár cheese
- sált ánd pepper to táste
- 1/4 tsp pápriká
- reduce potátoes into hálf inch wedges.
- wármness olive oil in á mássive solid iron skillet or frying pán over medium wármth. cook dinner potátoes for 25 mins, blánketed, stirring every 4-5 minutes.
- ádd chopped white onion. cook dinner for ány other 5-10 mins, exposed, ánd stirring constántly.
- when potátoes áre crispy ánd golden brown, ádd inexperienced onions, sált, ánd pepper. Stir viá.
- with your spátulá, máke 4 wells inside the potátoes ánd cráck án egg into eách one. Sprinkle shredded cheddár áll áround.
- cook until the egg whites áre set, or until your liking. cowl pán with lid for poáched eggs. ádd more olive oil on eggs if preferred.
- Sprinkle eggs with á pink of pápriká seásoning. Serve immediátely.
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