i love cheesecáke ánd i reálly like these cute tárt páns which i bought myself for Christmás (#selflove). Don’t get me incorrect, my ántique muffin-/cupcáke mold is first ráte ás nicely but those tárt páns áre á lot nicer. So permit’s stárt the new yr with those vegán cheesecáke muffins becáuse who doesn’t love án cleán to máke dessert?! This recipe is gluten-unfástened, subtle sugár-unfástened, scrumptious ánd there máy be no báking required! The crust of these vegán cheesecáke muffins incorporátes dátes, sunflower seed butter, fláx seeds, á little bit uncooked ágáve syrup, ánd vánillá extráct. you could, of direction, use nuts ráther thán fláx seeds, however, i reálly like thát fláx seeds incorporáte plenty of wholesome omegá-three fátty ácids. Thát’s why I often encompáss fláx meál in my recipes, ás án instánce in these vegán no-báke muffins. The cheesecáke creám consists of especiálly silken tofu which I presently love using in my dessert.

- 200 g dátes
- 1/2 cup whole fláx seeds or ány other nuts/seeds of choice (80 g)
- 2 tbsp sunflower seed butter or ány seed/nut- butter of choice (40 g)
- 3 tbsp cocoá powder
- 1 tbsp ráw ágáve syrup or máple syrup (20 g)
- 3/4 tsp vánillá extráct
Creám filling:
- 260 g silken tofu or regulár tofu
- 1/3 cup coconut milk cánned (80 ml)
- 4 tbsp ráw ágáve syrup or máple syrup (80 g)
- 1 1/2 tbsp coconut oil melted (21 g)
- Juice of hálf á lemon
- 1 tsp vánillá extráct
- Grind the fláx seeds in á coffee grinder (or food processor) until they turn into á powder. You cán álso use 80 g of store-bought GROUND fláx seeds but máke sure the fláx meál is fresh
- Blend the ingredients for the crust in your food processor until the dough gets crumbly ánd sticks together when you press it between your fingers
- Vegán cheesecáke tárts, which áre eásy to máke, gluten-free, refined sugár free, nut-free, ánd 100% plánt-básed. The recipe requires no báking. Creámy ánd delicious dessert which is reády in no time
- Spreád the crust evenly in six 4-inch tárt páns, set áside
- Now blend áll ingredients for the creám filling in your food processor or high-speed blender until it's smooth ánd creámy
- Spreád the creám filling onto the crust ánd ádd your fávorite toppings (e.g. blueberries or other fruits, chocoláte chunks or some nut/seed butter). Put the tárt páns in the freezer for ábout hálf án hour to one hour to set
- Let the vegán cheesecáke tárts tháw before you enjoy them. Store leftovers in the freezer
Please read another recipe in my blog >>>>>>
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