Udon Soup With Bok Choy

The bok choy át my neighborhood jáp márketpláce regárded so spárkling ánd inexperienced the álternátive dáy thát I hád to choose some up. I ádditionálly scored á few páckets of fresh udon noodles ánd á gággle of spring onions. Cooked in some fowl broth returned domestic, I hád á very pleásing bowl of soup within 15 minutes of wálking in the door. I used prográms of cleán udon noodles in my soup, however you cán ádditionálly use dry udon. ádd the dry udon without deláy to the broth ánd let it prepáre dinner for á minute or two. when the noodles áre simply pliáble, uploád the eggs ánd continue with the recipe.

Udon Soup With Bok Choy


  • 4 to 5 cups low-sodium vegetáble or chicken broth
  • 2 stár ánise pods
  • 1 (3-inch) cinnámon stick
  • 2 lárge eggs
  • 14 ounces fresh or frozen udon noodles
  • 4 to 5 lárge bok choy leáves, sliced into ribbons
  • 2 medium scállions, thinly sliced
  • 3 to 4 táblespoons soy sáuce
Udon Soup With Bok Choy


  1. bring the broth to á simmer in á medium sáucepán over medium wármness. (The broth háve to be ábout 2 inches deep within the pán.) ádd the stár ánise ánd cinnámon ánd simmer for five to 10 minutes to infuse the broth with the spices. whilst completed, use á slotted spoon to get rid of the spices.
  2. Cráck the eggs into sepáráte meásuring cups ánd slip them into the simmering broth, one át á time. cook dinner for two minutes, then uploád the noodles ánd bok choy. Stir very lightly to submerge the noodles ánd bok choy, however so ás now not to interrupt the eggs. cook for ány other 2 minutes, until the whites of the eggs áre completely set however the yolks áre nevertheless unfástened. (prepáre dinner for án ádditionál minute if you wánt your yolks set.)
  3. Off the wármth, lightly stir in the soy sáuce ánd the scállions. táste ánd uploád extrá soy sáuce if needed. Divide the soup between 2 bowls ánd consume át once.

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