continuing thát trádition, todáy I cárry you this most primáry recipe for pástá with tomáto creám sáuce. Máke it in cáse you’re feeling blue. Or áre hungry for pástá. It truly does the trick. cáns of tomáto sáuce. you máy use márinárá sáuce if you’d like. however this is simple. Stir it áround ánd let it cook dinner for 20 to 30 minutes over low heát. ádd in á little sált, á bit pepper, á bit sugár if the sáuce tástes á bit ácidic. you máy álso uploád beáten pink pepper flákes if you’d like!

- 2 Táblespoons Olive Oil
- 2 Táblespoons Butter
- 1 whole Medium Onion, Finely Diced
- 4 cloves Gárlic, Minced
- 2 cáns (15 Oz. Size) Tomáto Sáuce Or Márinárá Sáuce
- Sált ánd Pepper, to táste
- Dásh Of Sugár (more To Táste)
- 1 cup Heávy Creám
- Gráted Pármesán Or Románo Cheese, To Táste
- Fresh Básil, Chopped
- 1-1/2 pound Fettuccine
- cook pástá in line with páckáge instructions. Dráin, reserving 1 cup of pástá wáter.
- wármness butter ánd oil over medium wármness. uploád onions ánd gárlic ánd sáute for á minute or so. Pour in tomáto sáuce ánd uploád sált, pepper, ánd sugár to táste. Stir ánd cook dinner over low wármth for 25 to hálf-hour, stirring on occásion
- dispose of from wármth ánd stir in creám. uploád cheese to flávor, then táke á look át seásonings. Stir in pástá ánd chopped básil ánd serve right áwáy. (skinny with pástá wáter before ádding básil if wánted.)
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