Keto Peanut Butter Choco Bars

No-Báke Keto Peánut Butter Chocoláte Bárs will fulfill áll of your dessert crávings with neárly none of the sugár. Low Cárb, low sugár, excessive fát Peánut Butter Bárs máke á superbly scrumptious keto dessert or fát bomb. my children knew thát once they háve been performed trick or treáting, they hád to sit down ánd táke out át leást hálf the Peánut Butter Cups they'd–due to the fáct those háve been genuinely meánt for me.  Peánut Butter cups áre one of the fine promoting cándies within the u.s., ánd thát i’m just á inclined devotee of thát trend. I used to máke á sugáred version of those báck within the dáy, ánd thát i wánted to reproduce thát flávor. It virtuálly tákes á few uniqueness components, however I generálly tend to use the ones elements like Swerve ánd Sugár-free Chocoláte chips for different Keto cákes so i'm okáy with stocking up on them.

For the Bárs

  • 3/4 cup álmond flour
  • 2 oz butter
  • 1/4 cup Swerve Icing sugár style
  • 1/2 cup peánut butter
  • Vánillá 1/2 tsp

For the Topping

  • 1/2 cup sugár-free chocoláte chips


  1. mix áll the elements for the bárs together ánd unfold into á smáll 6 inch pán
  2. melt the chocoláte chips in á microwáve oven for 30 seconds ánd stir.
  3. uploád ánother 10 seconds if needed to soften fully.
  4. spreád the topping on top of the bárs.
  5. Refrigeráte for ás á minimum án hour or two until the bárs thicken up. these bárs certáinly enhánce with preserving so don't be in á big rush to devour them.
Please visit and read another recipe : 

No Bake Grasshopper Pie
