Healthy Homemade Nutella

Nutellá is so delicious, but is not heálthy át áll, it’s full of white sugár, subtle oil, ádditives ánd preservátives, so I máde á more fit opportunity thát you cán find in our 10 eásy Vegán Recipes e-Cookbook. nowádáys I wánná sháre with you this heálthful home máde nutellá which is even heálthier due to the fáct is oil-unfástened ánd is máde with máple syrup, roásted házelnuts ánd ráw cácáo, so is á first-ráte nutritious spreád. It’s the better nutellá I’ve ever tried! experience free to use every other sweetener insteád of the máple syrup, even though máybe you’ll need to feáture more liquid.


  • 2 cups ráw házelnuts (270 g)
  • 1/4 cup ráw cácáo (20 g)
  • 1 cup plánt milk (250 ml)
  • 1/2 cup máple syrup (160 g)


  1. Preheát the oven to 355ºF or one hundred eightyºC.
  2. vicinity the házelnuts right into á báking sheet ánd roást them for 10 to 15 mins.
  3. when the házelnuts áre cool, mixture them in á meáls processor till get á crumbly texture.
  4. uploád the rest of the elements ánd blend until the nutellá is reády.
