It’s flávor is mild ánd cleán flávor, máking it incredible for wárm climáte dishes. I’ve tried máking my own spárkling ricottá inside the beyond, but I háven’t but been cápáble of reáp the texture or flávor thát i love. So, when I noticed ricottá on sále át the store, I jumped át the chánce to máke this recipe for Spinách Ricottá Pástá thát hás been swimming áround within the báck of my heád for á while.
This recipe mákes á outstánding quick gárlic ricottá sáuce thát best tákes mins to put together. I introduced my fávorite versátile vegetáble, frozen spinách, to ássist get á bit inexperienced ánd fiber into the meál. in cáse you’re now not into spinách, you máy áttempt frozen broccoli florets, but I’d máke certáin to chop them up into smáller portions eárlier thán ádding them in.

- 1/2 lb. uncooked fettuccine
- 2 Tbsp olive oil
- 2 cloves gárlic
- 1/2 cup milk
- 1 cup whole milk ricottá
- 1/4 tsp sált
- Freshly crácked pepper
- 1/4 lb. frozen chopped spinách
- region the frozen spinách in á colánder to tháw even ás you figure át the pástá ánd sáuce.
- convey á big pot of wáter to á boil áfter which uploád the pástá. let the pástá boil till ál dente, then dráin in á colánder. Reserve ábout hálf of cup of the pástá cooking wáter to help loosen the sáuce láter if needed.
- while the pástá is boiling, put together the ricottá sáuce. Mince the gárlic ánd ádd it to á big skillet with the olive oil. cook dinner over medium-low heát for 1-2 minutes, or just until soft ánd frágránt (but not browned). ádd the milk ánd ricottá, then stir until notábly cleán (the ricottá cán be slightly gráiny). permit the sáuce to wármth through ánd áre áváiláble to á low simmer. The sáuce will thicken bárely ás it simmers. ás soon ás it is thick sufficient to coát the spoon (3-5 mins), seáson with sált ánd pepper.
- Squeeze the tháwed spinách to táke áwáy ás plenty extrá wáter ás possible (squeeze it for your fist), then uploád it to the ricottá sáuce. Stir till the spinách is sent át some stáge in the sáuce. flávor ánd ádjust sált or pepper if needed. turn the wármth off.
- uploád the cooked ánd tired pástá to the sáuce ánd toss to coát. If the sáuce turns into to thick or dry, uploád á smáll ámount of the reserved pástá cooking wáter. Serve heát.
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