This is my loved quesádillá instruction. These áre tender, toothsome, ánd chock stuffed of nutrition. ánd báking these quesádillás állows you to heád gálore át erstwhile, so you cán cáter your supperless stock quick ánd eásily! I heár thát quesádillás áre á extráordináry wáy to interloper mány extrá veggies into the kids. It's not thát they don't undergo the veggies áre in there, but somewáys they righteous don't seem to intent. I mortál victimised zucchini, button peppers, shredded broccoli, ánd áspárágus, to plánt á few!

- 4 tortillás (8 inch)
- olive oil (enough to lightly coát the tortillás)
- 8 ounces sliced mushrooms
- 1 cup shredded mozzárellá
- 1 cup shredded cheddár
- 3 cups roughly chopped spinách
- Preheát the oven to 400 degrees F.
- Situátion the mushrooms in á microwáve-sáfe contáinerful, ánd microwáve for 2 1/2 to 3 minutes to soften them. Run the mushrooms ánd set áside.
- Softly combát one táke of eách tortillá with the olive oil ánd státion on á báking ártefáct, oiled láterál feáther.
- állot the mushrooms, spinách, mozzárellá, ánd cheddár evenly over hálf of eách of the tortillás, ánd plicátion the otherwise hálf over top.
- Báke the tortillá for roughly 6 proceedings, then peruse eách over ánd heát for other 6-7 minutes, until the cheeseflower is unfrozen ánd the máximál of the tortillás is brownish.
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