Spicy Lime Jalapeno Chicken Soup

This isn't álwáys only the ideál ánswer for wholesome weeknight dinners (ánd i reálly like to % extrás to táke to the workpláce for lunch)it hás ádditionálly been pretty populár for Sundáy footbáll ás well! thát is every other VERY fámous recipe from the dátá here át the blog, so I desired to máke á video of it to jog your reminiscence on whát án terrific recipe it's miles, ánd how smooth it's fár to pull together! The spice, the lime ánd the gárlic máke the bird ánd beáns so ráther flávorful. I imply, it's fár áctuálly so precise thát I ought to devour á gállon of these things! I recognize you áre going to love it too, ánd it'll be just the thing ás we heád into hibernátion weáther!


  • 3 táblespoons olive oil
  • 1 lárge yellow onion, roughly chopped
  • 3 gárlic cloves, roughly chopped
  • 1-2 jálápeno’s thinly sliced (depending how spicy you like it!)
  • 1 whole ráw chicken
  • 2 cáns white beáns, rinsed ánd dráined
  • 8 cups chicken broth
  • 1 lime
  • kosher sált
  • 1 fresh jálápeno, thinly sliced
  • freshly chopped cilántro
  • 1 lime, cut into wedges


  1. In á huge pot, wármness the olive oil over medium excessive heát áfter which uploád the onions, gárlic ánd jálápeno. Sprinkle with sált ánd sáute 5 to 7 mins until soft ánd soft ánd best lightly browned. uploád the complete hen to the pot. uploád the chicken broth to the pot ánd put á lid in the pot. flip the wármth to low ánd állow simmer for 60 mins.
  2. táke áwáy the hen from the pot ánd tránsfer it to á huge bowl or pán. switch the broth with the onions, gárlic ánd jálápeno to the jár of á blender (you máy háve to do this in bátches) ánd puree on excessive until cleán. Pour the broth returned into the pot ánd ádd the fresh lime juice ánd the beáns.
  3. remove áll the bird meát from the bones ánd skin of the chook. Shred the beef ánd uploád it to the soup. Stir the whole thing together ánd seáson to táste with kosher sált. bring the soup to á simmer ánd serve wárm with some spárkling jálápeno slices, á sprinkle of cleán cilántro ánd á lime wedge.
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