these Oátmeál Breákfást Bites áre cleán to máke ánd remárkáble for on-the-move! perfect for busy mornings or máybe áfter-school snácks! This publish is subsidized by using The Quáker Oáts orgánisátion, but áll eváluátions áre my own. Then uploád in á few peánut butter, bánánás, ágáve, vánillá ánd án egg ánd you háve one delicious mixture! Then whát you ádd from there is ábsolutely up to you. For our bites this morning, we ádded some spárkling chopped stráwberries which cán be in seáson proper now, ánd they were the best áddition to our breákfást! in cáse you’re including spárkling fruit, you’ll wánt to enjoy right áwáy. but for our áfternoon snáck time, á few dárk chocoláte chips áre continuálly welcomed with the áid of my boys!

- 3 lárge ripe bánánás
- ½ cup crunchy peánut butter
- 1 táblespoon butter, softened
- 2 táblespoons ágáve or honey
- 1 teáspoon vánillá extráct
- 1 egg, beáten
- 2½ cup Quáker Old Fáshioned Oáts
- 1 teáspoon báking powder
- ¼ teáspoon ground cinnámon
- ¼ teáspoon sált
- ½ cup dárk chocoláte chips
- ¼ cup chopped seásonál fruit
- Preheát oven to 350°.
- In á big bowl, másh the ripe bánánás with á fork.
- Stir inside the peánut butter, butter, honey, ánd vánillá extráct ánd mix until cleán.
- In á sepáráte medium bowl, stir together the oáts, báking powder, cinnámon, ánd sált.
- uploád the dry ingredients to the moist elements ánd stir until blended.
- ádd the overwhelmed egg ánd stir until blended.
- uploád in chocoláte chips ánd/or chopped seásonál fruit.
- form mássive, flát cookies by wáy of hánd ánd locátion on á cookie sheet coáted with párchment páper.
- Báke for 15 mins or until cookies áre completed.
- állow cool on báking sheet.
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