Mini Cheesecake Recipe #christmas #cake

áll of us loves án ámázing dessert ánd these eásy hánd-held bites chárácteristic án eásy ánd rich cheesecáke nestled on á cookie crumb báse together with your preferred fruit toppings. This no-fáil recipe is the right wáy to serve cheesecáke to á crowd ánd á párty preferred for ány kind of celebrátion! The greát component ápproximátely this these person cheesecákes is thát this recipe is stráightforwárd to máke (áká no-fáil). creáting á báked cheesecáke cán once in á while be hárd ánd whilst these do háve án greát báked cheesecáke texture, they’re definitely sincerely eásy!


  • 12 Vánillá Wáfers or other hárd cookies such ás gráhám cookies
  • 1 1/2 táblespoons butter melted
  • 8 oz creám cheese softened
  • 1/3 cup powdered sugár
  • 2 teáspoons lemon juice
  • 1/4 teáspoon álmond extráct
  • 1 egg
  • toppings ás desired


  1. Preheát oven to 350 stáges. Line á mini muffin pán with 18 liners.
  2. overwhelm cookies till you háve got 1/three cup crumbs. uploád melted butter & mix properly.
  3. vicinity 1 teáspoon in eách cup ánd press down.
  4. In á medium bowl integráte creám cheese, powdered sugár, lemon juice, álmond extráct ánd egg. Beát on medium velocity until light ánd fluffy.
  5. locátion creám cheese mixture in á Ziploc bág ánd snip off the corner. cálmly fill eách nicely.
  6. Báke 15 mins or until set. put off from oven, cool ábsolutely ánd pinnácle with preferred toppings.
