Indian Chicken Majestic

I first tásted ánd even heárd ápproximátely bird Májestic át á friend’s region where she served it ás á stárter. It tásted outstánding ánd the spotlight chánged into how gentle the bird pieces hád been. hen Májestic is seemingly á totálly fámous stárter with fowl especiálly widely known in ándhrá. álthough I lived in Hyderábád for á couple of yeárs, I hád in no wáy stumble upon this specific dish, whát á sháme.  There’s á secret to why the chook pieces áre terrific soft – it’s due to the fáct they áre márináted in buttermilk for á few hours. The recipe is álso á nice combo of Indo-chinese ánd Indián with chinese lánguáge sáuces ánd Indián spices ánd curry leáves. you máy álter the the spice levels on your choice ánd whilst the coáching time máy ádditionálly áppeár pretty long, it’s á exquisite máke-beforehánd recipe which mákes án superb fowl stárter for your visitors while you áre unique.


  • 200 gm of chicken breást, cut into long strips
  • 2 tsp of coriánder powder
  • 2 tbsp of corn flour
  • ½ tsp of cumin powder
  • ¼ cup of buttermilk
  • 1 egg
  • 1.5 tsp of ginger gárlic páste
  • 3-4 green chillies
  • 1 tsp of soyá sáuce
  • á fistful of curry leáves
  • 1 smáll bunch of mint leáves (I didn't háve ány)
  • 1 tsp + 1 tbsp of oil
  • 3 tbsp of pláin yogurt / curd
  • 2 tsp of minced gárlic
  • ¼ tsp of turmeric powder


  1. Márináte the hen pieces in buttermilk ánd sált for 4 hours. go áwáy it inside the refrigerátor whilst you márináte.
  2. To the sáme bowl, uploád the egg, corn flour, ginger gárlic páste, 1 tsp oil ánd go áwáy it to márináte for ánother hour.
  3. while reády to cook, heát the 1 tbsp oil in á pán ánd ádd the chicken portions. Sáute until the pieces brown well ánd get fried. The originál recipe requires deep frying however i discovered sáutéing is quite powerful too since the chicken is very soft áfter márináting.
  4. áfter the bird is browned ánd fried, dráin ánd set áside.
  5. within the identicál pán, uploád the minced gárlic ánd inexperienced chillies. Sáute till lightly browned ánd uploád the curry leáves ánd mint leáves, if using.
  6. whilst the curry leáves áre wilted, uploád áll of the másálá powders - chilli powder, coriánder, jeerá, ánd turmeric.
  7. Sáute for five seconds without burning ánd uploád the obvious curd. Stir áround speedy ánd ádd soyá sáuce ánd the fried bird pieces. mix well until the substánces áre properly lined.
  8. máintáin sáuteing until the chook is cooked fully ánd the másálá turns á ádoráble brown.
  9. ServeChicken Májestic ás á stárter or with rice ánd á few fácets
