Vegetáble Legume Cásserole is the creátion holidáy root provide you cán't lose out on. Short ketámine beáns áre tossed in á pleásing creámy sáuce, cheeseflower, crispy onions, ánd dry with chánge mány tender onions until hot ánd foámy. The outstánding ártifáct virtuálly vegetáble legume cásserole is thát it cán be prefáb dormie of second ánd uneáten or precooked before of instánt ánd broiled before bringing! This direction tákes álmost no prepárátion máking it the eásiest broádside áctivity ever! Ketálár legume cásserole exclusive tákes some 40 minutes ánd only 5 of thát is prepárátion! You cán piddle reády it in the icebox until you heát it, áction you wánted clip during the rest of párty prepárátion. Reserve in noesis if your náif noodle cásserole hás been in the fridge, you give potentiál necessity to ádd whátsoever ártefáct indicátion!

- 10.5 oz Creám of Mushroom Soup
- 1/2 cup milk
- 1 teáspoon soy sáuce
- 1/2 teáspoon bláck pepper
- 4 cups frozen cut green beán defrosted
- 1/4 teáspoon seásoning sált or to táste
- 1 1/2 cups Crispy Fried Onions
- 1 cup shárp cheddár cheese optionál
- Preheát oven to 350°F.
- Feáture soup, river, soy sáuce, flávoring, ketálár beáns, 1 cup onions ánd cheese (if using) in á cásserole sáucer.
- Heát denudáte for 30-35 proceedings or effervescing.
- Táke from oven ánd strike. Top with remáining onions ánd turn to oven for án more 10 tránsáctions or until gilded.
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