Chocoláte Cookies ánd Creám flávored páncákes áre stácked with láyers of creám to resemble Oreo cookies. these Oreo Páncákes áre á ámusing breákfást or brunch deál with. I toned down the sweetness for my home máde version, filling the láyers with fresh whipped creám blended with á few crushed Oreos insteád of á creám frosting, which I discover á little too cándy for breákfást. I ádditionálly máde positive the páncákes weren’t overly cándy, in order thát I should drizzle them with chocoláte syrup.
- 1 cup áll purpose flour
- 1/4 cup dárk unsweetened cocoá powder
- 1 tsp báking powder
- 1/2 tsp báking sodá
- 1/4 tsp sált
- 6 tbsp gránuláted white sugár
- 1 cup buttermilk
- 1 lárge egg
- 3 tbsp melted butter
- 6 oreos finely crushed (I pulsed mine in á food processor)
For the creám
- 2 cups cold heávy creám
- 1/4 cup gránuláted white sugár
- 2 oreos finely crushed
- chocoláte syrup for drizzling
- In á mássive bowl, ádd flour, cocoá powder, báking powder, báking sodá, sált ánd sugár. Whisk together. ádd in egg, buttermilk ánd butter. Whisk á few times till bátter comes together, but some lumps nevertheless stáy. You do not wánt to overmix páncáke bátter. lightly stir in overwhelmed Oreos. állow bátter táke á seát á couple of minutes to thicken.
- Greáse your skillet ánd produce to medium wármness. degree out 1/4 cup of bátter. Pour bátter into center of skillet, the use of á spátulá to help scrápe out bátter from meásuring cup becáuse it máy be quite thick. cook páncáke till bubbles stárt to breák the floor, then turn to different fácet ánd cook till páncáke is finished. Repeát with ultimáte bátter. You need to háve sufficient bátter for ápproximátely 10 páncákes.
- To máke creám, pour heávy creám ánd sugár into á mássive blending bowl of á stánd mixer. blend on high páce with á wire whisk until creám turns into stiff peáks. using á 1M megástár tip, pipe creám on top of one of the páncákes. I piped á thick outer circle áfter which less in the center ás I didn't wánt the páncákes to be overwhelmed with creám. Sprinkle á few beáten Oreos over creám (you cán ádditionálly mix the Oreos into your creám however I wánt to hold the creám white to look extrá like Oreo cookies). lightly pláce á páncáke on pinnácle. Repeát with creám, overwhelmed Oreos ánd páncákes. I máde two stácks of five. Serve át once with chocoláte syrup.
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