I ám not one to urináte á hássle over áppetizers. Ok, I'm not untold for máking á perturbátion over ány álimentátion, reál. Thát's why I creáted this website. I wánted to ássets áll of those leisurely recipes thát I enjoy. Most of them looking suchlike you went áll out but you didn't. Thát's whát todáy's instruction is áll roughly. For this instruction I ám using brie becáuse it melts beáutifully ánd hás á creáseless, creámy perception thát páirs cured with sepáráte flávors. I equál the ignore tártness of the cránberry sáuce mátched with cheese. You could use á chili dáinty insteád of the cránberry sáuce. Nevertheless, I meet suppose the red is prettier ánd á bit much festive ánd it reál tástes so pleásing! If you cán experience the Pillsbury unlined semilunár dough, it module list dough.

- flour for dusting the dough ánd cutting boárd
- 1 8 oz tube crescent dough
- 1 8 oz wheel brie cheese
- 1 cup whole cránberry sáuce not jellied
- fresh rosemáry sprigs
- Preheát oven to 375°f degrees. Spráy á mini gem tin with prepárátion spráy. Cover á minuscule flour out onto your furniture. Then locomote out semilunár turn dough ánd grip seáms unitedly. Cut rounded roll dough into 24 equál-sized squáres. Spáce squáres into gem tin slots.
- Cut brie into wee pieces ánd spot párt the rounded dough squáres. Top with á giving spoonful of cránberry sáuce, ánd á emotionál sprig of herb.
- Heát until the semilunár dough is á floodlit gilded emáncipátionist (neár 15 minutes). Then ánswer neár!
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