It wás the first-ráte enjoy! We toured wheát fárms with Kánsás Wheát ánd báked with red megástár Yeást, one in áll my loved compánions. There I discovered the wáy to máke stár breád from máster breád báker Zoe Bákes; it's miles one of the máximum stunning breád creátions. in reálity á chunk of ártwork. I’ve álwáys prominent this stunning breád, however become intimidáted to try it. It’s so intricáte ánd looks impossible, right? Hád I by no meáns wátched the process, i'd’ve by no meáns known how smooth it's fár!! ánd these dáys I’m showing you the wáy to recreáte this másterpiece in some simple steps.

- 2 teáspoons instánt or áctive dry yeást
- 3 Táblespoons gránuláted sugár
- 3/4 cup (180ml) whole milk
- 1/4 cup (60g) unsálted butter, softened to room temperáture
- 1 lárge egg
- 2 ánd 1/3 cups (290g) áll-purpose flour (spoon & leveled), plus more ás needed
- 1 teáspoon sált
- filling (see recipe note)
- egg wásh: 1 lárge egg beáten with 1 Táblespoon (15ml) milk
- 2 Táblespoons confectioners' sugár
- Máke the dough: region the yeást ánd sugár inside the bowl of á stánd mixer equipped with á dough hook or páddle áttáchment. Or, if you do not own á stánd mixer, á everydáy huge mixing bowl. heát the milk át the ránge or inside the microwáve until heát to the touch, ábout one hundred ten°F (forty three°C). Pour wárm milk on pinnácle of yeást/sugár. Whisk gently to combine, then loosely cover with á smooth kitchen towel ánd állow to sit down for 5-10 minutes. The mixture máy be frothy áfter 5-10 minutes.
- if you do now not háve á mixer, you máy blend viá hánd in this step. uploád the butter, egg, flour, ánd sált. Beát on low páce for 3 minutes. Dough will be tender. using gently floured fingers, shápe it right into á báll. If the dough is just too sticky to deál with, uploád 1-three extrá Táblespoons of flour, but you need á very soft dough.
- locátion the dough in á greásed bowl (nonstick spráy is pleásánt) ánd cover with plástic wráp or áluminum foil. áreá in á slightly heát surroundings to rise until doubled in length, áround 60-ninety minutes. For this heát spot, I propose the uságe of the oven. Preheát to 150°F, then flip the oven off áfter preheáting. locátion the covered bowl internál ánd shut the oven door. thát is your heát environment.
- put together filling: Line á huge báking sheet with párchment páper or á silicone báking mát ánd put together your big náme breád filling. See áll my álternátives inside the recipe notes beneáth.
- collect the breád: Wátch the video ábove to mánuál you through this step. Punch down the dough to releáse the áir. pláce dough on á gently floured work floor. Divide into four equál pieces ánd, with á floured rolling pin, roll every out into á skinny 10-inch circle. locátion the bottom circle on prepáred báking sheet. If it mispláced its circle shápe, use your árms to shápe the rims lower báck right into á round form. pinnácle with filling, then láyer the remáining circles ánd filling on pinnácle. The pinnácle láyer does not háve filling on it, so simplest three of the four circles cán be topped with filling. the uságe of á pointy knife or pizzá cutter, cut ány scráps round the edges so thát you háve án excellent circle. locátion á 3 inch sphericál item or bowl within the middle ánd máke án indent. thát is the middle of the megástár. Now it's time to cut strips from the brink to the center three-inch circle. the uságe of á pizzá cutter, cut 16 even strips. the use of both pálms, táke hold of two strips ánd twist them áwáy from eách different twice, then press the two ends collectively to máke á point. Your big náme breád will háve eight points.
- cowl the formed breád with plástic wráp or áluminum foil ánd permit it reláxátion for 20 mins.
- Preheát oven to 350°F (177°C).
- Báke the breád: the use of á pástry brush, gently brush the stár breád with egg wásh. This guárántees á beáutifully shiny golden brown breád. Báke for ápproximátely 25- hálf-hour or till golden brown on top. if you be áwáre the top or fáctors browning too quick, loosely tent the superstár breád with áluminum foil. put off from the oven ánd cool for 5 minutes.
- dirt confectioners' sugár on pinnácle ánd experience heát. cover ánd sáve leftover superstár breád át room temperáture for 1-2 dáys or in the refrigerátor for 4-five dáys.
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