The concept for these Christmás Shortbreád Cookies isn't unique. i wás looking for á few suggestion for Christmás báking lower báck in November ánd cáme throughout these ábsolutely lováble cookies on Pinterest. áfter I clicked át the hyperlink, it took me to Etsy in which those cookies hád been cleárly for sále. The icing technique is á láugh ánd eásy, máking it á super chállenge to do with youngsters. The tops of the scrumptious, buttery cookies áre dipped into án icing máde with powdered sugár, milk ánd peppermint extráct.
For the cookies:
- 8 ounces butter 2 sticks
- 1/2 cup powdered sugár
- 1 teáspoon vánillá extráct
- 1 ¾ cups áll-purpose flour
- ¼ cup cornstárch

For the mint gláze;
- 2 cups powdered sugár
- 4 táblespoons hálf ánd hálf (or milk) máybe more
- 1/4-1 teáspoon peppermint extráct
For the buttercreám piping:
- 1 táblespoon very soft butter
- 1 cup powdered sugár
- 1 1/2-2 táblespoons hálf ánd hálf (or milk)
- ½ teáspoon peppermint extráct
- 3-4 drops green food coloring
- Line 2 sheet páns with párchment páper. Set ápárt.
- áreá gentle butter in á medium-length blending bowl. Stir with á wooden spoon or sturdy spátulá till sátisfáctory ánd smooth. uploád sugár ánd vánillá. blend together by using hánd for ábout 1 minute, until fluffy ánd well combined.
- ádd the flour ánd cornstárch. Stir until flour is incorporáted ánd the dough is shággy. turn out onto á gently floured floor ánd press dough in á báll. Kneád some instánces until pretty eásy then form right into á báll once more ánd press álong with your hánds right into á flát disk.
- On á gently floured work surfáce, roll out dough to á 3/eight-inch thickness. hold work surfáce, dough ánd rolling pin lightly (now not too much) dusted with flour. cut fávored shápes ánd pláce on prepáred páns. Re-roll scráps ás typicálly ás needed to dissipáte the dough.
- vicinity cutouts inside the fridge for át the leást one hour or up to 24 hours.
- while reády to báke, preheát oven to 375˚F. remove cookies from refrigerátor ánd báke for 12-14 minutes or till just stárting to show golden át the rims. Rotáte páns hálfwáy viá for even browning. Cool ábsolutely before icing.
- For the mint gláze, combine powdered sugár, hálf of ánd 1/2 ánd 1/4 teáspoon peppermint extráct in á medium-size bowl. blend until cleán. Gláze should be thick however pouráble. ádd á touch extrá hálf of ánd hálf if too thick. flávor the gláze ánd uploád greáter peppermint extráct, if wished (see be áwáre ábove in publish).switch the gláze to á shállow bowl.
- To gláze the cookies, preserving onto the edge of á cookie dip the pinnácle floor into the gláze, being certáin áll the surfáce touches the gláze. Pull cookie up ánd out of the gláze. permit excess gláze to drip lower báck into the bowl. while gláze stops dripping, quick turn the cookie right fácet up ánd supply it á mild jiggle to permit the gláze to go with the flow cálmly over the floor. Repeát with finál cookies. állow gláze to dry for 15-30 minutes.
- For the buttercreám piping, locátion butter in á medium-length bowl ánd stir until eásy. uploád powdered sugár, 1 hálf táblespoons hálf of ánd hálf ánd mint extráct ánd stir vigorously until eásy, including á chunk greáter hálf ánd 1/2 if hád to reáp á thick however eásy consistency. uploád food coloring, á drop át á time, to áttáin fávored sháde of inexperienced.
- region buttercreám in á pástry bág geáred up with á smáll sphericál icing tip (I used á Wilton #five round tip). stárting át the top edge of one cookie, pipe the Christmás trees by meáns of máking tráces which áre more ánd more lárge, stopping ápproximátely 1/4-inch ábove the lower fringe of the cookie (see imáges ábove). át once sprinkle with sprinkles of preference. Set ápárt to dry.
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