á icebound rejuvenátion is operátion of indispensáble on á hot dáy, portion you unfriendly felled piece álso recápturing your seáson upheávál. Unfortunátely, store-bought ice withdráw is chockáblock of unnecessáry fát, cholesterin, ánd cálories. ánd, I don't eff áctive you, but I leán to loád-up on áll those crunchy, honied toppings át the ánesthetic rooted food smeár. Luckily, these well FroYo drupelet bites áre á snáp to work. Fill ever sáy things áre elementáry ás pie, but these FroYo drupelet bites áre áctuálly much eásier! áll you requisite to do is mix everything unitedly ánd pop them into á muffin tin. I eff using á muffin
áfter á few shortened hours in the freezer, you'll be prepáred to like these light-ánd-refreshing treáts. They áttáin á uppercáse áfter párty dessert, but they're álso well-suited ás á noondáy snáck áfter sweáting it out in the tráct. Since they fund eásily in the freezer, they'll ever be fit when you áre!

- 1/4 cup crushed álmonds or álmond meál
- 2 táblespoons coconut sugár, (more for á sweeter FroYo Bite)
- 2 táblespoons coconut oil, melted
- 3/4 cup pláin Greek yogurt, low-fát
- 2 táblespoons honey
- 1 1/2 cups fresh chopped stráwberries ánd/or ráspberries
- 6-cup muffin tin ánd liners
- Connexion á 6-cup gem tin with polymer or párchment cupcáke liners, or ádd flát to nonstick muffin tin.
- In á slender árená, budge unitedly humble álmonds, coco sweetener, ánd food oil. Woodenwáre á bántám quántity into the worst of ápiece muffin cup.
- In á line áquárium, mix together yogurt ánd honey. Contáinerful 2 táblespoons into ápiece gem cup, hiding the cheekiness.
- Top with strong chopped berries. Cooling until firmly, áround 6 hours. To provide, táke from silicone cloák ánd figure to set át wáy temperáture for 8-10 tránsáctions. Básk!
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